Here's What to do on Exam Day

October 1, 2022 | 3 years | Hacks & Tips
Our previous post discussed methods for studying for your exam. However, now we’re going to talk about how you should prepare when it comes to the day of your exam. It is normal to feel nervous on the day of your exam and it might even help you but these tips will help you stay focused and alert during your exam.
Sleep Is Your Friend
While it might seem a good idea to cram your studying into the early hours of the morning, you want to get as much rest as possible before your exam. Go to bed an hour earlier than usual and aim to get up an hour earlier, leave yourself plenty of time to get organised and fuelled up before your exam.
Check Yourself
Make sure you know exactly where you are going and what time your exam is at. Factor in traffic and any unforeseen circumstances that could delay you from getting to your exam on time. Be sure you have everything you need for the exam, whether that is pencils, pens, calculator… double check you have it before you leave!
In It For The Long Haul
Depending on which exam you are sitting you may be in there for up to 3 hours! Head to the toilet before you go into your exam, you don't want to be distracted by needing to go or have to finish your exam early. Try and wear clothing you feel comfortable in, depending on your centre you might want to bring some layers in case it’s too hot or cold!